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     Summary of amazing plant extracts that improve memory

    According to a study on memory, human memory impairment or memory impairment is associated with damage to the brain's nervous system. Impaired brain nerves can impede the normal functioning of a series of functions, such as learning, storage, and recall. Wait. This series of changes can lead to impaired learning and memory. In this regard, the researchers conducted related research and found that natural bioactive substances such as ginkgo, ginseng, tea, and turmeric have a good effect on the memory of patients.

    Ginkgo biloba leaf extract

    Ginkgo is known as a living fossil in plants. So far, dried ginkgo leaves have standardized extracts. The most important ingredients in Ginkgo biloba leaf extract include ginkgo flavonoids (such as quercetin) and ginkgolides. In animal experiments, Ginkgo biloba has shown good antioxidant and free radical scavenging effects, and can reverse cognitive deficits and delay the progression of dementia. In addition, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract accelerates the rate of flow of neuronal signaling substances and the ability to bind specific regions of the brain. In the clinical study of learning and memory ability of healthy adults, Ginkgo biloba leaf extract has many beneficial effects. High-quality Ginkgo biloba leaf extract also plays a good role in studies involving Alzheimer's patients and patients with impaired cognitive function. The users have a better test of language fluency, attention and memory. Good function improvement.

    Ginseng and ginsenoside

    Studies have shown that eating ginseng can improve the learning and memory ability of healthy adults. In one trial, subjects took significantly less time to complete the memory test after taking the 400 mg person's parameter week, and the accuracy of the other series of tests was higher than in the control group. In another study, Ginkgo biloba extract and ginseng extract were combined with healthy adult subjects for 14 weeks. The results showed that the memory quality index of subjects taking the extract was 7.5% higher than that of the control group, and in long-term memory. , short-term working memory and other aspects have been improved.

    Catechin in green tea

    The polyphenolic compounds in green tea have various functions such as anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-diabetes, anti-hypertension, and nerve protection. The most active and active ingredient in polyphenols is EGCG, an antioxidant that resists the peroxidation of free radicals to lipids. Tea polyphenols enhance cognitive ability and reduce oxidative changes associated with aging. Green tea also has powerful neuroprotective effects and the ability to process specific protein components in the brain, all of which contribute to cognitive function. In addition, the role of catechins in green tea in improving cognitive function and neurodegenerative diseases during aging has also attracted the attention of researchers and has gradually become a clinical adjuvant therapy with other components. In recent years, green tea has been used in a range of clinical studies to show potential roles in improving learning and memory.


    Turmeric is a perennial herbaceous herbaceous plant, and curcumin is its main active ingredient. Curcumin is a widely used polyphenolic substance whose efficacy in learning and memory has been confirmed in various research models, including improving cognitive impairment caused by smoking and reversing the cause of long-term stress. Cognitive impairment and impaired neuroplasticity.

    Cistanche extract

    Recent studies have shown that the neuroprotective effect of Cistanche is an "ideal candidate" for improving neurological pathology. Cistanche is rich in echinacoside, and the extract of Cistanche is found to induce NGF synthesis in vivo and in vitro, to promote the secretion of related factors in the brain, and to improve a series of brain functions related to memory.

    Melaleuca extract

    In modern clinical research, the plant's extract, Huperzine A, is a new active substance that enhances memory function.In addition, the Melaleuca Tower has a significant or improved effect on the treatment of schizophrenia and myasthenia gravis. However, the product is toxic, and symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting may occur during poisoning.

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